Who Am I? Culture

What is a Who Am I? Culture

I have coined the phrase “Creating A Who Am I? Culture” to speak to a need I see existing throughout the world. We don’t have to look very far to realize that our world is in turmoil. We can either talk about it, or make the decision to do something about it.
This, for me, is where leadership has its roots. A leader is someone who leads others towards something that does not currently exist. This is a constant challenge as leaders face resistance at every step. Leaders are provokers of change and, because of this, will often take the hits from others who don’t like change.
As I have assessed typical organizational structures and listened to people, I constantly hear from those who are disengaged in their work place environment. Often, criticism towards leadership is the norm because, at the end of the day, individuals do not believe that they matter to their leaders.
Traditional organizations have a leadership model that is based upon a ‘command and react’ type structure. That means that the leaders utter the command and the employees or volunteers are expected to react to that command. Often, this type of leadership exists because as leaders, we have grown under this model. Our individual journey to leadership has been a constant reaction to the commands of those who have had authority over us. We then reproduce what we have learned along our journey of life.
As we aspire to future leadership positions, part of our dream, perhaps subconscious in nature, has been to arise to the point where we get to utter the commands and others are expected to react and comply.

Authority is Needed

I am not suggesting that authority should not exist within leadership and organizational structures. What I am suggesting is that we need to re-evaluate whether we are working with a model that should continue to operate in the manner that it does.
Imagine a leader who has immense authority. However, this leader knows that the functions of their people are going to make the vision achievable. Imagine a leader who says, “my greatest job and exercise of authority is to help bring out the best that is in my people”. Imagine a leader who
says day in and day out, “my job is to inspire you to succeed at what you do”. Imagine an organization that has a leadership team that recognizes that all the innovation, concepts and ideas are buried within their people and their job as leaders is to pull it out of them.
Imagine how the people would react in this place of employment or in their individual function. They would feel valued, important, and actually believe that their job matters. They would believe that what they do is a vital contribution to something that is much bigger. This alone would give individuals purpose and energy to contribute their portion to the team and the organization as a whole.

My definition of a leader is,

Great LEADERS are those who create a culture that brings OUT THE BEST in their PEOPLE and INSPIRE them to achieve MAXIMUM results

~Dr. Steve McEvoy

This is an exciting definition of a leader. It puts powerful, authoritative people in a position to serve others and help bring out the best in every one of their people.

The Who Am I? Culture

This is where we discover what the Who Am I? culture is. This is a culture that says, everyone is important! It says, everyone is vital! It says, everyone has something significant to offer. It is a culture within an organization where every person comes to work knowing that they are important and what they do is important. It is a place where people are able to discover their own unique genius and arise with the excellence that is in them.
As leaders, it is important that we shift our thinking from just desiring to be an excellent leader to measuring our excellence by how well we bring value to our people and by what we help draw out of them. This is what defines us as excellent or great leaders.
Do you want to create a Who Am I? culture? Or, do you want to be known for how much control you possess in your current leadership position? This is a tough heart question to ask and, in turn, honestly answer.
If you want to be recognized as a great leader, then work to bring out the best that is within your people. Before long, you will stand as a champion in the hearts of others right in the position where you currently lead.

Dr. Steve McEvoy has his doctorate in Leadership and Organizational Development. Dr. Steve with his partner Randy Linzel are co-founders of byDesign Group. ByDesign Group is a team of specialists who are committed to “Leading organizational transformation for breakthrough results.”

What Is A Who Am I Culture?

What Is A Who Am I Culture?

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