About Us

Randy Linzel

Software Engineering & Business Management
Randy is an engineer by profession and started Leadership byDesign in 1998 after progressing through the corporate world experiencing leadership firsthand and receiving intensive business management training. In addition, he has worked extensively in system design and alignment with large corporate clients worldwide including multinational organizations in Europe, Canada, USA, and Australia and is a sought after speaker at conferences on leadership and system design internationally. As opportunities grew, so did the offerings hence byDesign Group. Randy`s passion is working with organizations to remove the bottlenecks in systems and inverting the hierarchical structure with regards to leadership.
Randy and his wife live in the outskirts of Halifax where they enjoy the lakes and wilderness and bike trails a stone's throw away.

Dr. Steve McEvoy

Leadership Development
Steve is a leader of leaders. With a completed doctorate in Leadership and Organizational Development, Steve works with leaders in the business, government, and non-profit sector with a focus on their personal development. Steve specializes in helping leaders capture and clarify the vision and mission that they are currently leading and position themselves to effectively lead the entire organization in the direction of that vision. Steve also has a specific focus in helping leaders gain personal clarity concerning their unique design. From these discoveries, a plan of action is implemented to lead the entire organization into similar discoveries. The end result of this process is a greater work environment resulting in greater efficiency and productivity in the entire corporation.
Steve is a husband and father of two adult children. He is a teacher, trainer and coach with a passion for sports, health and his favourite hobby—firefighting.